Ask Me No Questions
“Grandma can I ask you something?” Venus said as they loaded dishes into the dishwasher after Sunday dinner.
“Ask me no questions, I’ll tell you no lies.” Her grandmother smiled at her own cleverness.
Grandmother and Granddaughter illustration
Venus laughed, “I’m serious Grandma.”
“Sure Sweetie, what do you want to ask me?” She handed her another dish to rinse and put into the dishwater.
“I graduate with my college degree in a few months.” Venus closed the dishwasher and started it.
“I know I can’t wait to attend the graduation. I am so proud of you.” She pulled Venus into her arms and gave her a loving hug. “Now what’s on your mind?” She asked her as they pulled apart.
Venus sat on a stool at the island, “I need some advice. Everyone is expecting me to either get a job right after graduation or marry Carlton. To be honest, I’m not sure I'm ready to do either. Don’t get me wrong, I know I’ll have to get a job and I know that Carlton is a good guy. I’m just not sure I want those things right out of the gate. What do you think I should do?”
“Well before I answer, let me ask you this? What do you want to do once you graduate?”
“I don’t know, maybe travel and see the world. I’ve always been interested in that, maybe start a travel blog or something.” Venus eyes went dreamy as she imagined herself sitting on the beach at some luxury resort, writing in her travel journal.
“Hmmm, sounds nice.” Her Grandmother eyebrows knitted together as she thought things through. “Let me ask you another question. How exactly are you going to pay for your world travels?”
“Uh, maybe with a little help from Mom and Dad, or from some other special loved one who might want to help me fulfill my dreams.” Venus gave her Grandmother a sheepish grin, even as a little hope shone in her eyes.
“Well, let me just tell you that you can get that thought out of your head. Grandma’s pockets ain’t deep and your parents just funded your college career. I don’t foresee them paying for you to relax on the beach when they have sacrificed vacations for themselves to make sure you didn’t come out of college in debt.”
Guilt creeped up inside Venus, “Yeah I guess you’re right. Well, maybe if I talk to Carlton and see if he’s interested in traveling, he and I can travel together. He’s not hurting for money.”
“So let me get this straight. You are going to mooch off the man that you aren’t even sure you want to marry?” Her Grandmother leaned over the counter, making sure to make direct eye contact with Venus. “Really?”
“Fine, fine another bad idea. Why are you asking me all these questions Grandma? I told you I don’t know what to do, that’s why I’m asking you for advice.”
“Fair enough. Here is my advice to you. You’re young and should go after your dreams. However, you must understand that you are responsible for doing what it takes to live your dreams. It’s not my responsibility, it’s not your parents and it’s definitely not Carlton’s. It is yours. Now if you want to travel once you graduate then you need to start saving money now. Which means you probably need to get a job now, yes while you are in school. If you plan to write a travel blog, you should be researching now how to start and run a successful one.”
“Now as for marrying Carlton, I would advise you to hold off until you know who Venus is and what she wants. Doesn’t mean you have to dump him if you love him. Be honest with him and tell him that you need to take some time to learn who you are and what you want to do with your life before you get married. Chances are, even if he doesn’t know it, he probably needs to do the same. Now that is all I have to say on the matter, any questions?”
Venus sat looking a bit stunned. After a brief moment she smiled weakly, “No questions, just a comment, maybe you should change your quote to Ask me no questions, or you'll hear truth and no lies.”