Jenetta Bradley Jenetta Bradley

Signature Scent

A few years back I experienced the power of a woman having a signature scent.

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Jenetta Bradley Jenetta Bradley

The Big Splash

Have you ever experienced a situation where you, or someone you know, acted in a way that wasn’t usual for them? In SSMD So It Begins, Eva acts in a way that wasn’t becoming of her. It had me thinking about whether or not circumstances matter in how you treat someone.

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Jenetta Bradley Jenetta Bradley

May Has Entered The Room

I hope April did you well and that you enjoyed it thoroughly. It was a busy month for me, but also one where I was able to fit in some time to relax.

May has brought on some mixed emotions for me. I have three things scheduled that I’m not looking forward to, and three things scheduled that I am looking forward to.

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Jenetta Bradley Jenetta Bradley

Good-bye Q1 2024

Well, we made it through the first quarter of 2024. If you are a subscriber and have read the first quarter newsletters, you know that for me personally, it wasn’t the best of times. I’m happy to say good-bye and welcome the second quarter with a hopeful smile.

I have to admit I lost focus on my first quarter goals, but now is a good opportunity to reevaluate, and readjust. Have I done it yet? No, I haven’t, but I plan to do it before the week is out.

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Jenetta Bradley Jenetta Bradley

RACI to Happiness

Recently a change occurred in my life that caused me to question the source of my happiness. What I realized is tying happiness to anything other than God first and then to myself was a recipe for unhappiness. Circumstances that make you happy can change and people who make you happy are human and prone to miss the mark.

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Jenetta Bradley Jenetta Bradley

5 Things in the To Do List Assassin’s Arsenal

Take a moment and think of your To Do list. If it’s anything like my list it can grow into a mountain of tasks, spanning different areas of your life. There are need to do lists for home, family, health, business, church, finances, holidays, not to mention the list of things you want to do. There can be so many things that need your attention that it can feel overwhelming.

This is what was on my mind when I created the To Do List Assassin. She’s the busy woman’s alter ego when she hits that get it done stride. You’ve either been her or seen her in action, taking out a project or reaching her goals one task at a time. In this mode she is unstoppable.

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Jenetta Bradley Jenetta Bradley

How to Avoid Self-Sabotage

Self-sabotage occurs when we do things that keeps us from having a successful outcome. I have self-sabotage myself a time or two during the course of my life. There have been missed opportunities because I didn’t feel worthy. Goals not met because I didn’t put in the work. For me I recognize that I have to be careful when I’m not feeling confident or if I’m stressed or frustrated, because these are triggers for me to engage in self-sabotage.

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Jenetta Bradley Jenetta Bradley

Writing Run Robin Run

Imagine your closest friend asks you to spy on their significant other? Just a quick drive by viewing to see if the label of cheater should be applied. Would you do it?

What if you decided to spy and end up seeing something monumentally worse than cheating? You see someone murdered.

In my novella, Run Robin Run, Robin witnesses a crime. Until she can figure out a way to bring the culprits to justice she goes on the run. Now she has to trust strangers that may or may not betray her. While trying to keep herself alive, she also attempts to reign in her heart as it opens to the least desirable candidate.

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Jenetta Bradley Jenetta Bradley

The Love Hunt Challenge

Today I am going to challenge you to a love hunt. First, I’ll give you a little backstory on how I came up with this love hunt and then I’ll officially challenge you.

We now live in a world where being an influencer is a lucrative thing. Across Social Media there are a multitude of blogs, videos, reels, and so on, of influencers suggesting a product that they “absolutely love” or “love, love, love.” These two terms I’ve heard so many times on YouTube alone that I started to wonder what it would be like to live surrounded by things that you absolutely love?

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Jenetta Bradley Jenetta Bradley

Preparing for a Doctor’s appointment

Up until 2014 I thought I was a healthy person and I’d been doing most of the things to stay that way. Every year I’d go for my check-ups and walk out with a clean bill of health. In 2014 I began seeing doctor after doctor to discover what was causing my suspected, but unknown autoimmune disease. I’m not quite ready to get into the details yet, because there is still more unknown than known. However, I do want to implore you to make sure you are taking care of yourself. I also would like to share what I’ve learned since 2014 about how to prepare for a doctor’s appointment and how to live with chronic illness.

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Jenetta Bradley Jenetta Bradley

Creating My Tagline

Picture representing the tagline Story, Art and Lifestyle, for Jenetta M. Bradley Blog.

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Jenetta Bradley Jenetta Bradley


Welcome to my new website! I’m Jenetta and I’m about to tell you the story of how I chose to move from Wordpress to Squarespace before giving you a tour of the new site.

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