The Big Splash

Have you ever experienced a situation where you, or someone you know, acted in a way that wasn’t usual for them? In SSMD So It Begins, Eva acts in a way that wasn’t becoming of her. It had me thinking about whether or not circumstances matter in how you treat someone.

Do we get a pass, because the person said or did something we don’t like? Does it matter if they are mean or annoying? Or does the way we treat someone that has aggravated us, show us an area where we need to improve when we respond in a negative way?

The Big Splash (YouTube) - Hear the story of Eva’s unusual behavior.

Digital illustration of a scene from SSMD So It Begins.  Eva splashing Mr. Benz with water.

Digital illustration of Eva splashing Mr. Benz with water. 

In this world where there are various opinions on everything, and social media gives us the opportunity to hide behind our screens and say whatever we want, sometimes things can get vicious. Are people really as mean as they appear to be online or are there circumstances that contribute to the online cruelty?

I believe that our words and action matter and they have the ability to make a big splash in other people’s lives in a negative or positive way.

Comment below and weigh in with your thoughts. Is there ever a situation that allows us to get a pass on treating someone in a rough manner?


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