May Has Entered The Room
Hello everyone,
I hope April did you well and that you enjoyed it thoroughly. It was a busy month for me, but also one where I was able to fit in some time to relax.
May has brought on some mixed emotions for me. I have three things scheduled that I’m not looking forward to, and three things scheduled that I am looking forward to.
For the things I’m wishing weren’t on my schedule, I’ve turned them over to God and will trust that he will see me through them. The biggest thing that I am looking forward to is attending my son’s eight grade graduation. It seems like it was only days ago when we first dropped him off to pre-k 4. I blinked and here we are weeks away from graduation.
If you have some challenges coming your way this month, my prayer for you is that you know Jesus and allow him to shepherd you through them.
May your smile and laugher be continuous all this month, and joy be present in your life.
Be blessed,
Life on Fire last episode posted on May 2, 2024 and the entire story is now available on my YouTube channel. On May 9th, I will post an Author Chat with my sister and co-writer, National Best-selling Author Karen D. Bradley.
Life on Fire, YouTube author chat thumbnail.
During the chat we discuss our writing process and reveal what we liked and didn’t like about writing together. Are you thinking about co-authoring a book? Karen dropped some gems on co-writing that you don’t want to miss.
What's after the Author Chat you asked? Next up are weekly posting from my novella SSMD So It Begins. SSMD (Single, Shacking, Married or Divorced) So It Begins will start on May 16, 2024. Hope you tune in!
Well that’s all for now. Until next time, all the best to you!